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Day 53: Cross and Angel share intense kiss – BBNaija

15 September 2021
Cross and Angel are turning up the heat this week with their sexy shenanigans.

On some days, Cross and Angel wander into the dangerous grounds of a sensual beneficial partnership – and whether it's real or just part of the game, remains to be seen. Last night was one of those times as they both shared a passionate kiss that made us clutch our imaginary pearls.

This isn’t the first time they have both given it a 'go' in full view of the cameras. They were recently locked in a passionate kiss immediately after the Saturday Night Party. However, last night was the most passionate we’ve seen them. 

In a conversation with Yousef earlier in the evening, Angel said she does not like Cross in a romantic way and was trying to avoid Cross because she does not want to end up in a situation where it looks like she does not know her place. She mentioned how she had a conversation with Saskay after Jaypaul had given her flowers – and Saskay mentioned she and Cross had made plans to try and give it a shot outside of the House. Angel said this had made her consider pulling back in order to avoid complications.

After her conversation with Yousef, Angel told Cross she wouldn't be talking to him anymore and needed him to stop touching her. Although she was clear in her conversation with Yousef, Angel didn't tell Cross why she had come to this decision. she only told him how she wasn't interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with Yousef, perhaps clearing the way for Cross? Cross was able to disarm her and managed to work on her hard enough to get a passionate kiss, following that revelation. 

Cross brushed his hands through Angel's cornrows and pressed his lips against hers and they both immersed themselves in the pleasure of their goodnight kiss. The scene was so intense it had us wondering if they would be taking this action further than the dining area. Angel seemed taken aback by the kiss too and seemed to enjoy it immensely. Later, Cross shared a bed with Angel, but not before having a conversation with Saskay (his other love interest). 

Angel had been moody and teary all morning and perhaps this was the ‘pick me up’ she needed, or she just wanted something passionate with her “best friend”?

Cross seems to find himself in triangles in the BBNaija House now, with Yousef being interested in Angel, he made sure to inform Yousef that he’s not willing to fight for a woman and went on to explain that Angel is a cruise mistress and he doesn’t see any future with her. However, he encouraged him to pursue her if that’s what he wants.  

AngelCrossEmmanuelSaskay, and Yousef have been Nominated for Eviction this Sunday You can  VOTE  to Save your favourite Housemate via the Africa Magic website   HERE  and the  Africa Magic mobile site  by selecting contestants of your choice and entering your number of votes and click  VOTE. Voting via these platforms is limited to 100 votes per user. You can also download the  MyGOtv  and  MyDStv  Apps for additional  Votes.  Votes  are free and  Votes  are allocated based on your subscription packages. The voting window closes by 9pm on Thursday, September 16, 2021.