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When Dosha and King stole from Halita

06 May 2020
Halita stomached being cheated by Dosha, but it hit harder and left a permanent scar when King did the same.

It was pretty obvious that Halita’s decision to part with her original ideas and form business partnerships with the Zamanis would end tragically and lead to the burial of their respective relationships. Afterall, Dosha and King received military-styled corporate training.

Assin, Dosha was almost born with a capitalistic instinct and any good idea screamed money and independence to her. So, when Halita bore it all and revealed her miracle-working skincare ingredients without so much as a trademark, Dosha saw it fit to make it her own… merchant style. Instead of a few hundred thousand Naira like Halita tough, she made over 100 million and sealed her lips banked the cheque.

It was King that identified the gross injustice and called Dosha to order. The Brother pinned the ‘family first’ notion to the wall and confronted his sister about exploiting ‘the help’ without adequate compensation and credits. Clothed in bravery, he expressed his disapproval and demanded that Dosha right her wrongs or she’d risk their relationship.

Touché and a hundred tongue clicks to that though because the very defender of honour and all that is good and true pulled the same stunt, only worse. After winning Halita’s fragile heart and making her believe that she could trust him with her life, he went and deceptively acquired her tea company by making her sign the rights over to him without knowing. Basically, he consciously robbed the very person he claimed he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. How sway!

Broken hearts or not, there was no possibility or legally remedying these strikes because Halita did not have a formal hold over these recipes and as such, it was a ‘finders keepers’ game.

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