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My Beautyful Life

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Four tips to live a Beautyful Life

31 May 2023
Everyone deserves a beautiful life, and if you need help achieving it, take a cue from Beauty Tukura!
Tips for beautyful Life

As the 43rd Miss Nigeria and all round Beauty Queen, living life with colour and fulfillment comes naturally to Beauty Tukura, who goes above and beyond to ensure she's well grounded. How does she do it? Well, a key place to start is by affirming yourself. 

In her entertaining reality TV show, My Beautyful Life. Beauty shared that she listens to words of affirmation every morning, and you can tell from how she constantly speaks life into herself, and you should do the same too! Here are a few more tips from the Dollar Queen that can be a source of motivation:

Always call yourself blessed 

Words can become things, so use them as Beauty does! In her words, "I always say I am blessed, I believe it, I see it, and it is manifesting in my reality."

Consistently replace bad habits with good habits

The key to living a beautiful life is to embrace change and ditch your old habits; choose to do things that will nurture your body, soul, and spirit. Whether it's trying to walk 10,000 steps a day or taking a yoga class like Beauty, find something to do that consistently nurtures you.

Be big on friendships but always choose yourself first

No one loves her friends like Beauty, but she loves herself even more, and you can see it! Choosing you will always stay in style and will even help improve your relationships.

See trolls as fans in disguise.

If anyone stays constantly trying to bring you down, the queenly thing to do is ignore and replay these words by Beauty to yourself, "I don't feel any way about trolls; they are part of the business. They add to the numbers; I see them as fans in disguise. People that want to live my life but they can't. It's not my fault I live a beautiful life. I am so sorry; God chose me." ðŸ˜Ž

Get a glimpse of Beauty's beautyful life

Watch My Beautyful Life every Monday at 21:00 WAT on DStv Africa Magic Showcase CH 151 and every Wednesday at 21:30 WAT on DStv & GOtv Africa Magic Urban (CH 153 & 6) for more motivating words and good vibes.