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The obituary of love – Halita

18 March 2020
It is with aching hearts that we wave goodbye to a love that left us all yearning.

It is with great sadness that we wave goodbye to a love so profound, one founded on synched values and a promise to exist beyond the invisible borders of the village that offered nothing more than fertile soil for well-sized yams. 

We weren’t exactly there when this bond formed, but we definitely witnessed its nourishment and euphoric innocence. The beautiful Halita knew that Dareng would do right by her and judging by the way he carried the load of her mother’s illness and her father’s finances; he’d carry her heart… Forever.

We will remember this beautiful union by its simplicity and genuinely bright spark that rose and shone despite poverty’s pungent odour and threatening darkness. 
We will remember how we all danced to the symphonies of their stolen perks and heartfelt regard for one another. We will cherish the promises of marriage and gazes that had us molten. 

It is with great regret to inform you that Dareng and Halita are now worlds apart, even emotionally, as such, we do not see any possibilities of reconciliation. Although not charged, King Zamani is said to have been the culprit that forged his way into sweet Halita’s heart and left poor Dareng out in the cold.

It is not easy to say goodbye, but this love must rest in peace. 

Cover photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

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