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Day 59: Team White’s Nomination tea

16 September 2020
Biggie asked Trikytee, Vee and Laycon their true feelings about their team's Nomination decision this week.
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After pairing the Lockdown Housemates into two teams to make their Nomination decision this week, Big Brother had a chat with Team White on how they feel with their team’s Nominations. Trikytee, Vee and Laycon told Biggie how they really feel about the decision, who they would have wanted on the Nomination list and who they think is deserving to be in the finals.


When asked who his team Nominated and why, Trikytee told Biggie that Ozo’s name was on everyone’s lips. However, when it came to the second Housemate to be Nominated, he wanted Neo on that list and a conflict arose when Vee wanted Dorathy to be the second Nominated Housemate. “I wanted Neo, but Vee defended him for her own logical reasons,” he said. For this reason, Laycon was called to be the tie breaker and Laycon selected Dorathy to be put up on the possible Eviction list.

Furthermore, he confessed to feeling some type of way being put up against Dorathy and told Biggie that he wasn’t surprised seeing that the other team put him on the Nomination table. “If this was the traditional Nomination process, I would have rather Nominated Ozo and Neo,” he added.

“Out of the current Nominated Housemates, list their names starting from the Housemate most deserving to be in the finale,” Biggie told Trikytee, to which he answered saying, “himself, Dorathy, Laycon and Ozo”.


“I have no personal issues for putting Dorathy and Ozo up for Eviction,” Vee revealed Biggie. She then went ahead to tell Biggie that it was fairly easy selecting Ozo because she feels he has been distracted lately with Nengi and in her opinion, while Nengi is focused on the game, he isn’t. She further told Biggie that she didn’t push her teammates not to put Neo up for Eviction and said she wanted the decision to be unanimous. “I think Dorathy and Ozo are the weaker links because Dorathy seems to be hiding in her shell like she’s trying to be too careful, while Ozo seems to be distracted in the game,” she told Biggie. When asked who she would have put up for Eviction if it was the usual Nomination process, she said it would have been Trikytee and Ozo. In order of who’s deserving to be in the finale, she answered, “Laycon, Trikytee, Dorathy and Ozo”.


Laycon told Biggie that he knew himself and Trikytee would be put up for possible Eviction this week. He said while the whole team wanted Ozo to be Nominated, the team was torn between Dorathy and Neo as the second Housemate. He said he wanted Neo up for Eviction because he knows Neo is loved in the House, but he would have loved to test his strength outside the House with the viewers. As the tie breaker, he selected Dorathy based on his thought process and he is happy with his team’s Nomination decision. Biggie then made him see reasons to why his statement was contradictory, seeing that he wanted Neo up but by putting Dorathy up, he claims to be happy with the decision. However, he insisted on being happy with the Nomination list still. He then said he wasn’t surprised seeing that the other team Nominated himself and Trikytee.

To conclude his Diary Session, he told Biggie that if this were to be the traditional Nomination process, he would have put up Ozo and Neo. He then said his list in order of the deserving Housemates to be in the finale – himself, Dorathy, Ozo and Trikytee.

The Housemates seem to be political in the answers they gave Biggie about their Nomination decision. Perhaps, they were trying not to sound regretful of their decision, or maybe just playing safe. What do you think?

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