1. When is the BBNaija season 6 happening?
BBNaija season 6 will premiere later this year. More information about this will be communicated in due course. Please follow the official BBNaija, DStv, GOtv and Africa Magic pages on social media for information.
2. When will the auditions start and how long will they be for?
The open call auditions for BBNaija season 6 will start Monday, May 3 and run until Sunday, May 16, 2021.
3. Who can audition for BBNaija season 6?
Interested male and female participants who are of Nigerian nationality with a valid identity document and must be 21 years of age by June 1, 2021.
4. How can interested participants audition?
Potential contestants are expected to record a two-minute video of themselves stating why they should be picked to be a Housemate in season 6 of Big Brother Naija. Following this, they are to log on to www.africamagic.tv/BBAudition to fill out the online registration form and upload their videos.
5. Will participants need to pay for the auditions?
No. The online audition is free and open. Individual data charges will however apply.
6. I entered for the BBNaija Early Access Auditions; do I need to enter for the open auditions again?
No. The BBNaija Early Access auditions was a unique opportunity for DStv and GOtv customers to be among the first to audition for BBNaija season 6 when they paid for their DStv and GOtv subscriptions. Eligible entries received during the Early Access auditions will be the first set to be screened and successful applications will follow the next stages of the application process.
7. I paid my DStv/GOtv subscription to qualify for the Early Access auditions, but I did not receive a unique website link to submit my audition video. What happens to application?
A confirmation email was sent to qualified applications during the Early Access auditions. Participants were directed to check their spam or junk email folders for this mail. However, if you still did not receive one, you can still enter for the open auditions starting Monday, May 3.
8. Will the final housemates be selected after the online auditions?
No. Entries received will be screened for eligibility and suitability following which successful applications will be further screened. The final shortlist will be selected with one-on-one screenings where our standard psych evaluations and interviews will be organized in a controlled and sanitized environment where social distancing will be observed.
9. With auditions moving online and an absence of physical verification, how do you ensure the quality of housemates matches or even surpasses that of previous seasons?
The same rules apply for any type of Big Brother audition, and our selectors will apply the same experience from the previous seasons. We will always follow the same guidelines in terms of selecting housemates based on character and personality amongst other things.
10. Where can I find more information on Big Brother Naija season 6?
For more information, please visit www.africamagic.tv/bigbrothernaija and follow the Big Brother Naija social media fan pages on Twitter @bbnaija, Instagram @bigbronaija and Facebook www.facebook.com/bigbrothernaija Abeg is the headline sponsor of Big Brother Naija season 6 and associate sponsor is Patricia.