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Mercy And Ike

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I wanna settle down! – Mercy and Ike

08 June 2020
With all that's happened since the show began, it wouldn't be a surprise if the two eloped and married on the London Bridge.
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Ya’ll remember just how much drama ensued when cyber trolls decided to blow the London situation way out of proportion and had Ike worried about Mercy’s ‘platonic’ friendships; and consequently, the stability of their relationship? Well, the lovebirds have moved swiftly passed that and are looking to solidify things… Yes chile, solidify!

The conversation around settling down began when the moving in together was first mentioned. The two were willing to overlook cultural disparities and uncomfortable stares from both sides of their families for the sake of their relationship. Mercy’s willingness to have her babe move into her home was a clear indication of her long-term intentions towards Ike. He too was willing to chew on dry grass and make it official.

During the most recent episode and after filing through cases of external drama, Mercy embraced the ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’ philosophy and whipped up a savoury serving of pepper soup that sent Ike and had him promising her a few plots on the newfound planet. This was obviously a heartwarming sight to you Mercenaries and brought more expectations for the relationship.

To place a sweet and perfectly ripe cherry on top, Ike planned an intimate dinner for 2 – a setting that had Mercy blushing uncontrollably and making her intentions to settle down known. While Ike made mention of a neck covering tattoo with her name on it, ‘Put your name on it so they know it’s real’ you know? Mercy blew it over and told him that she wanted the works; a ring, a baby, a happily ever after...! These news were surprisingly welcomed by Ike and the two even played a game of ‘let’s see how a ring would look on your finger’.

It’s only been 7 episodes and we’ve seen just how dynamics change from one blink to the next sigh, so don’t be surprised when you see a big old diamond ring resting on Mercy’s well-manicured finger, biko. E go happen soon soon.

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