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My Flatmates


Willie and Dan’s loose lips spell disaster for Chief Donatus – My Flatmates

18 August 2024
Willie and Dan’s loose lips are stirring up trouble, and Chief Donatus is caught in the crossfire.
Willie and Dan’s loose lips spell disaster for Chief Donatus – My Flatmates

One of the golden rules of the 'Bro Code' is simple: never snitch on a fellow bro. But apparently, Willie and Dan missed that memo when they spilt the beans on Chief Donatus' flirtatious escapades and money-splashing habits.

The loose lips sink ships
It all kicked off with Willie—no surprises there. He’s got a reputation for being a bit loose-lipped, which is exactly why he’s Mimi’s best friend and the ultimate inside man in the flat. Willie keeps her updated on everything happening in the house, and Frank knows it. That’s why Frank is always on edge around him, fully aware that Willie is ready to report every one of his mischiefs straight to Mimi, his fiancée. This time, though, the unlucky target was Chief Donatus. After overhearing Chief bragging on the phone about buying a car for his new PA, Willie wasted no time running off to Dan with the juicy info.

Now, Dan’s decision to leak the story was the real shocker. We didn’t see that one coming. But soon enough, it all made sense—he did it out of pure spite (or maybe even a dash of jealousy). The fact that Chief had just pocketed 300 million Naira and was likely about to rub it in everyone’s face must’ve pushed Dan over the edge. So, out of nowhere, he went and told Chief’s girlfriend, who was blissfully unaware of it all.

The cat’s out of the bag.
When Chief’s girlfriend confronted him, an enraged Chief turned to Dan and Willie for answers—a big mistake. What followed was pure chaos. Feeling cornered by the accusations, Willie decided to drop even more bombs, revealing deeper secrets about Chief’s philandering ways.

Watch the drama here

Now, Chief Donatus isn’t exactly the type to let things slide. You can bet he’s plotting his revenge, and we can’t wait to see it all unfold on My Flatmates, airing at 7 PM every weekday on Africa Magic Showcase.

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