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Day 40: Biggie, the Big Brother we all deserve – BBNaija

02 September 2021
Biggie is always watching, but did you know he’s also listening?
biggie we deserve

Like any Big Brother, Biggie has played a pivotal role in guiding and advising the Housemates in ways that allow them to be self-aware in their decisions or actions, giving them enough room to grow and stay true to themselves.

Here are the many ways Big Brother has been a shining light in the lives of the Shine Ya Eye geng.

Biggie the therapist

When Housemates feel down and flustered, Biggie listens to them vent and share their experiences. But what is a Diary Session if Biggie doesn’t drop a few wise words either to comfort the Housemates or remind them to be strong, no matter what it is that may come their way. If you listen carefully, there’s a lot of wisdom to take from his advice. Many Housemates have found it useful in times of need. Like any good brother, the Shine Ya Eye family is lucky to have someone watching over them.

Biggie the disciplinarian

Like any member of the family, Biggie has often played deputy-parent especially when he’s had to mete out corrective measures to ensure Housemates play by the rules and do not repeat their offences. Essentially in Big Brother’s House, a mistake for one, is a lesson for all – and Biggie ensures that everyone can learn from all situations.

Biggie the blesser

This season has been filled with a lot of interesting Diary Room requests; from spa days, to seeing friends outside the House. Biggie has listened patiently as the Housemates have made request after request, but what has been quite interesting is the way Biggie has been able to accommodate many, if not most of the requests made by the Housemates, no matter how “absurd”.

Think we’re exaggerating? Take a load of this list that would make Santa Claus proud!

The Yoga mats

During one of his Diary Sessions, Cross insisted he was having a difficult time working out without a Yoga mat (although he added that he needed more junk food for his health). Biggie listened to his plea and made sure to pull through for him. If you’re wondering where the cute purple mats came from, that would be Biggie! When it comes to the request for junk food, we’re assuming Biggie is still thinking about it? You know, for the sake of everyone’s health. 😂

The keyboard and guitar

In a Diary Room conversation with Biggie a couple of weeks ago, Michael chatted about his desire to have more opportunities to make music with the Housemates. Simply put, he asked for a keyboard to help make the House more entertaining – and with Biggie’s help, the Housemates received more than just a keyboard. The House has been abuzz, with all kinds of jam sessions and impromptu concerts, but most importantly entertainment for the Housemates and viewers alike. We’ve even heard some top original compositions that would set fire to music charts across the continent.

One thing we know for sure is that just as more requests come in, Biggie will continue to be there with a listening ear and a generous hand, to help the Housemates make their stay in the Shine Ya Eye House a memorable experience for them.

AngelBomaCrossEmmanuelLiquoroseMichaelNiniPeacePereQueenSagaSaskayTegaWhitemoney and Yousef have been Nominated for Eviction this Sunday You can  VOTE  to Save your favourite Housemate via the Africa Magic website   HERE  and the  Africa Magic mobile site  by selecting contestants of your choice and entering your number of votes and click  VOTE. Voting via these platforms is limited to 100 votes per user. You can also download the  MyGOtv  and  MyDStv  Apps for additional  Votes.  Votes  are free and  Votes  are allocated based on your subscription packages. The voting window closes by 9pm on Thursday, September 2, 2021.