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Frank's poor gift choice - My Flatmates

26 December 2022
Mimi is upset with Frank and she has valid reasons to be.
Frank's poor gift choices

It is quite clear Frank hasn’t fully gotten the hang of relationships. How else do you explain him giving his friend a more expensive gift than the woman he is engaged to. This is a clear example of putting the bro before the boo. What an amateur and you know what? We totally think he deserved the tongue-lashing he got from Mimi shortly after.

Look, we know that Mimi can be a handful sometimes and on those days we hope she’d pop a chill pill or two. Not this day! She went full ‘HAM’ and we were right behind her cheering her on. “You go girl! Tear his butt a new one.” Seriously, how do you explain Frank giving her just a teddy bear as a gift for Christmas? We know, it’s the thought that counts, but he had this dramatic gift presentation set up and had Mimi's hopes high as she acquiesced to his instruction that she closed her eyes.

She was really expecting a mind-blowing gift and so were we. The poor girl couldn’t help but blurt out “I didn’t have to open my eyes for this” when she saw the gift. Now it could have ended there, but she got wind of what Frank got Obus.

New AirPods!
Yup! Frank got Obus a brand new AirPods and thanks to Willy, Mimi’s bestie and informant she got to know all about it in detail. Finding out the AirPods cost N180,000 had her even more upset and she couldn’t help but confront Frank immediately. Prodding him further, she asked what Obus had given him in return.

Call credit
In exchange for AirPods worth hundreds of thousands of Naira, Obus got Frank call credits worth one thousand five hundred Naira. Frank really played himself. He got tongue-lashed and a lousy gift also. Hopefully, he learned his lesson and now knows who to make a priority when it comes to gifts other things in general. Apart from it being the right thing to do, it’s also the only way to escape Mimi’s wrath. 

Knowing Frank, he is a few episodes from making another silly mistake and we will be here to see it blow up in his face. You don't want to miss it too. Tune in to My Flatmates every weekday on Africa Magic Showcase CH. 151 at 18:30 WAT.