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Day 11: 'Just say I want this' – BBNaija

04 August 2021
The much-needed intervention that nipped it in the bud.

The House turned upside down this afternoon as the Housemates intervened in a burning matter between Liquorose and Emmanuel. 

Liquorose didn’t hold back as she took the opportunity to address her frustration with Emmanuel for putting a dent in their friendship, by fingering her as one of the Wildcards. She revealed how hurt she was because she had opened up to Emmanuel about a lot of things. She expressed how she has forgiven Emmanuel, because he had asked for forgiveness, but was finding it hard to get past what she sees as a betrayal from a trusted friend.

She also revealed she and Emmanuel are close friends and are not in a relationship, like everyone in the House believes, but also needed clarity about Emmanuel's feelings for her. 

While this could have been a private matter, it wasn’t long before other Housemates gathered around the two to intervene, and they all had a lot to say. Maria weighed in on the matter, informing Emmanuel that he was in the wrong by acting hot and cold towards Liquorose – especially after he told her that he liked her. 

Pere had a lot to say about the matter too. "Don’t make people feel like they have a place in your heart, when they really don’t. You don’t want to mess with a woman's emotions. If you don’t like her, don’t pursue it, don’t give mixed signals," he implored Emmanuel.

Niyi stepped in and appealed to reason by trying to help the two find common ground to resolve the matter, while Beatrice told Liquorose just how much Emmanuel likes her. "He really likes you, but Emmanuel doesn't speak much. Just let him be."  

Emmanuel apologised for his behaviour and relayed his sentiments about the damage he’s done to their shared sense of mutual trust. He left the conversation on a positive note, promising to support Liquorose as much as he can to make up for his wrongdoing.

Later, the two slipped away for a private conversation and tried to hash out their differences without having to field opinions from others. When Emmanuel asked for clarity about where he and Liquorose stand at the moment, Liquorose said she likes him beyond friendship. Hmm...🤔

Wherever this ship is headed, we hope Emmanuel will say what he wants so Liquorose can “enter cruise.” 

When life was simple...

BeatriceNiyiWhitemoneyYerins and Yousef have been Nominated for Eviction this Sunday You can VOTE to Save your favourite Housemate via the Africa Magic website HERE and the Africa Magic mobile site by selecting contestants of your choice and entering your number of votes and click VOTE. Voting via these platforms is limited to 100 votes per user. You can also download the MyGOtv and MyDStv Apps for additional VotesVotes are free and Votes are allocated based on your subscription packages. The voting window closes by 9pm on Thursday, August 5, 2021.