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Big Brother Naija


Spicy Nene: The Red Box Palava

21 September 2019
Nawa oo who would have thought that a box will cause commotion within one week? Anyway, let’s get straight into today’s amebo. I need to get ready for the party soon. How have you been though?
<p>21 Sep Billboard 1600 x 640</p>

In case you didn’t know, the #BBNaija Pepper Dem Gang are on an Ultimate Veto Power quest this week and this thing has brought in more drama than some of the Housemates. (I won’t mention names, so don’t ask).

First, let’s talk about the legend of the week…

A Birthday Well Spent

My celebrity crush came into the House and Biggie didn’t even tell me. Thank God I wasn’t caught unfresh as I was watching him in the House with the Housemates. 2Baba can’t even deny him, the Pepper Dem Gang truly kept him entertained all through his stay in the House. I wish Biggie kept him in the House for a week so he’ll tension Mike small in that House. Mike needs to know that he’s not the only sexy married man alive, abi.

They Housemates ate, danced, kicked off a music career and even forgot Biggie’s property in the Arena. I always knew that food would be the doom of these Housemates. From the moment Cindy was looking at that cake like she wanted to take it to her house and the time Elozonam ran to pack takeaway after the party, I knew there was trouble.

Biggie might be angry that the Housemates left his box in the Arena o but I’m just angry that they had to embarrass me like that. See how they were eating like the food had legs. Haba!

All For The Red Box

Cake was eaten, chicken demolished, bottles of wine emptied, then Diane finally remembered the treasure box. LOL!

The way she ran back to open the door as if Biggie would just be chilling and waiting for her to remember. Trust Biggie now, he’s the real pepper in that House. That’s not even the main gist. The drama happened when my smallie Diane wanted to risk it all to fight Tacha o. “Your heart is as dark as your soul,” Diane shouted at Tacha.

 Ah, my chest! If anyone tells me that, I’ll just cry silently for three days. Tacha is brave sha, she heard that insult and still went to threaten the girl. Who was at fault though? Let me know what you think.

Well, to be fair, Tacha and Mercy were shouting at Diane and her boo over the Red Box but for some reason, it was Tacha’s voice that triggered Diane. The way she ran to warn her had me shook. I don’t even know who sent Elozonam to carry Diane away from the place. At least if he won’t give us pepper, let le boo give us atarodo now. Abi?

Wait o! Mercy that was there shouting, “break the damn door open”. Why didn’t she break it? Her leg dey pain am abi na the fear of Strike?

Cindy Sha!

Chai Cindy and food eh, no rival. So you mean to tell me that Cindy was the one with that Red Box before it was left in the Arena? What baffles me is how she was acting clueless about it and was even gossiping about it to Mercy. Imagine o, she was telling Mercy that Diane kept the box under the table and went to eat. I don’t even know why they believed her because knowing how Cindy is when it comes to food matters eh, me sef dey fear.

Biggie called them to the lounge and played the video of her act. My baby girl wasn’t even embarrassed that she was caught hoarding food in the video. If na me, shame go catch me sha. The next minute, she was there begging Seyi for beans and bread. Omo, I tire for her matter.

Speaking of food…

Missing Plantains Palava

Plantains got missing and the Housemates decided to turn Biggie’s House upside down. Elozonam became Inspector General and started searching his fellow Housemates during this intensive search.

That’s not even the funny part. See how they started revealing their greedy parts. My own Mike was caught with toothpaste, Purebliss biscuits and 3 packs of Indomie Noodles in his locker. My goodness! A whole classic man. Like Biggie isn’t giving them enough food for crying out loud.

Who is even stealing plantains for goodness sake?

Strike Season!

Cindy, Diane and Elozonam got Strikes from Biggie and it was because of his Red Box. Good for them abi? The Housemates will all serve community punishment on Monday morning and I have just one request. Biggie, please let me customize one peppery punishment for these Housemates. They need to learn.

See o, Biggie told them that he has banned the Housemates from packing takeaway food treats into the House. Can someone please check on Frodd and Cindy?

Before we go any further, who do you think will be the Ultimate Veto Power Holder? I know who has the matching picture o. Just bribe me with food and I’ll spill tea, real quick.

Speaking of VPH…


She strolled in and out of the Diary Room with Immunity in her bag. Like a boss! She’s now lying to her fellow Housemates that she bought a spa treat and Showmax movie experience for two with her Bet9ja Coins. What then happens when they don’t see her go for this spa session or the supposed movie treat? Haha!

That’s how Esther gave Frodd Coins and he won’t even get to use it. Imagine o, he majestically walked into the Diary Room to make a purchase and received gbas gbos from Biggie. From Immunity to movie treat and spa session, nothing dey table for Frodd. Imagine the pain, chai! How unlucky? Biggie, please help him change the Coins to currency before Esther beats him abeg.

Alright o, my mouth don dey pain me abeg. How about we continue this same time next week. Ah, I can’t even imagine how hot next week will be o. From knowing the Ultimate VPH to having some more Evicted Housemates and all the drama that will come with that… Ghen ghen!

Watch Spicy Nene dish it out here.

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